The Gillman Family

The Gillman Family

Thursday, January 19, 2012

The Kids

So...right after my last posting we had some major computer issues and this was the first day I was able to get here!!! In addition to keeping up with the blog this year, I also decided I wanted to get the kids more active. In the past 10 days we have made it to the park 9 out of 10 of those days! The boys LOVE the park and I LOVE seeing them so excited to go. I think that being physically active is really important and it all starts with what Jason and I do to encourage that behavior!

Brodie and I also worked on making pasta necklaces last week!! He made one for his dad, his mom, an aunt, and his cousin...Brodie also LOVES helping out with anything he can and has a real "hands-on" personality!

Dying the pasta

Drying the pasta

Brodie making pasta art!

Necklace making time!!
Brodie had a good time putting the necklaces together and it worked on some motor skills too!!! We have got a good start to this year and can't wait to see what the rest of it brings!!!